5 Reasons Why Marketing Managers Need Video Editing Skills

5 Reasons Why Marketing Managers Need Video Editing Skills

Sep 17, 2024

Young digital marketing working on her laptop in a cafe.
Young digital marketing working on her laptop in a cafe.
Young digital marketing working on her laptop in a cafe.


In 2024, basic video editing skills are no longer optional for marketing managers. It’s a necessary skill that’ll allow you to create brand content yourself or in close collaboration with agencies. The ability to edit videos has the potential to transform not just your campaigns, but your career growth as a digital marketer.

Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts

- James Wedmore, Host of the Mind Your Business Podcast

How video is taking over digital marketing

According to Wyzowl, video is projected to dominate 82% of all internet traffic by 2025. Why? Simply put, video communicates messages far more effectively, driving deeper engagement and leaving lasting impressions. Consider this: people remember 95% of a message from a video versus just 10% from text (G2Crowd). Our brains are hardwired for visuals, making it the go-to tool in today’s digital world.

With video now the marketing norm, understanding content production is a must - and 86% of marketers are already onboard (Wyzowl)! You don’t need to become a video editing maestro, but knowing the basics can help sharpen your creative choices, optimize collaboration, and level up your career!

Ready to step up your marketing game? Keep reading to discover why video editing is your competitive edge!

Marketing managers editing videos.

5 reasons why you should learn video editing

  1. Master the art of emotional storytelling

Learning to edit videos is like unlocking the magic of storytelling! Turn raw footage into a compelling narrative that breaks through emotional barriers and forges strong connections. It’s not just about splicing clips together, it’s about weaving a story that truly engages and holds attention. Even by mastering the basics, you can craft captivating tales, add depth, and make your message pop! Tell your brand story and make every frame count!

  1. Be a creative pilot and collaborator

Got a killer video idea but you’re worried it doesn’t really pan out as imagined? Learning video editing gives you the creative control to orchestrate your brand’s story frame by frame, adapt to trends, and refine your content from start to finish. And even if video editing isn’t your forte, knowing the editing process promotes effective collaboration with your team or external agencies. With tools like elevate.io, you and your team can review, edit and approve in real-time ensuring that everyone is on the same page - watch your vision come to life!

  1. Building trust and credibility

In a content-saturated world, the video quality can either make or break your brand’s image. In fact, based on Wyzowl’s 2024 study, 87% of consumers say that video quality directly impacts their trust in a brand. It’s not good enough to just throw a video together. When you produce relatable video content, you show your audience that you are committed to delivering value. Grasping video editing is the answer to making your brand stand out and increase shares.

  1. Drive conversions and sales

Now, this is all better said than done, but is video editing truly worth it? Frankly, investing in video editing is investing in your success. In fact, based on a 2024 Wyzowl study, video content has proven to drive higher conversion rates with 87% of video marketers reporting that videos have directly increased sales and 90% claim to have improved ROI. Understanding how to edit videos is something modern marketers simply cannot ignore.

  1. Boost your career

With 89% of consumers wanting to see more videos from brands in 2024 (Hubspot), learning video editing is a smart investment in your long-term career relevance. Given the digital climate, job descriptions for Marketing Managers are increasingly calling for video editing skills. So, don’t fall behind when you have the chance to get ahead now!

Marketing video case studies

Heinz - A.I. Ketchup

With a 155 year-old brand, a consistent challenge is keeping up with today's trends. Heinz saw a golden opportunity with the emergence of text-to-image AI generators, asking DALL-E 2, what “ketchup” looked like. The results were eye-opening; even AI couldn’t imagine ketchup without Heinz. Solidifying them as the face of ketchup, this campaign generated over 850 million earned impressions and a 38% higher engagement rate compared to previous campaigns. 

By incorporating these unique AI-generated images and skilfully editing a culturally relevant story, Heinz brought their playful concept to life. And just as Heinz used video to effectively showcase their brand’s identity, mastering these skills can help you turn ideas into unforgettable content.

Grammarly - The Term Paper

Grammarly nails the frantic feeling of scrambling to finish an upcoming assessment; the struggle of jotting down every idea while battling punctuation mishaps and a sleep-addled mind. This relatable story resonates deeply with viewers and all the while promotes their tool. Their clever use of quick frames and ticking audio effectively portrays the sense of urgency and pace we’ve all experienced while writing a paper. With video editing, you too can learn to create dynamic, authentic narratives while seamlessly integrating product promotion.

Crumbl Cookies - Sweet Victory Ad

Crumbl Cookies' “Sweet Victory” ad is a brilliant example of creating short, snappy content that’s perfect for TikTok’s fast-scrolling audience. Crumbl’s genius? They make every achievement feel like a reason to treat yourself! Celebrating life’s little wins with a sweet treat taps into a universal feeling we all know and love. With bright colors, humor, and mouth-watering slow-motion cookie shots, the ad tells a simple yet relatable story that sticks. Having video editing skills is key to creating authentic, platform-perfect content just like this - catchy, visually irresistible, and emotionally enticing. 

Getting started

While any new skill requires an investment of time, choosing a beginner-friendly, free online video editor, like elevate.io, will turn you into a video editing expert in no time. Our tools and ‘getting started’ guides are designed to help you produce high-quality videos faster, so you can keep up with the demands of modern marketing. 

The best part is, with elevate.io you can co-create anywhere - no need for pricey hardware or pesky hard drives! Even if you’re not the main editor, being able to jump into your agency’s project and make quick tweaks is a game-changer. Collaboration is key to successful video production, and elevate.io has got you covered! 

What are you waiting for? Expand your marketing repertoire and revolutionize your campaigns by signing-up to our free online video editor today!